We Have the Pleasure of Working With

MARMC provides industrial repair, planning and execution, technical assistance, contract administration and engineering services for surface ship maintenance and modernization. MARMC acts as the central point of contact on all matters regarding ship and boat repair, modernization, conversion, activation, and inactivation, from advanced planning through post-completion evolutions. TQI provides IT support services for MARMC enabling the effective execution of ship maintenance. These services include IT infrastructure management, IT Service Management (ITSM), metric data analysis and reporting, database development, data mining, applications development/support, Information Assurance (IA) compliance, Help Desk support, and SharePoint portal design/content management.
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NIWC’s mission is to work closely with the fleet, systems commands and Navy partners to deliver interoperable and secure information warfare capability. TQI has developed architecture diagrams, system engineering diagrams, and assisted in Help Desk (Tier II/III) setup in support of the Maintenance Figure of Merit (MFOM) program transition from United States Fleet Forces (USFF) to NIWC.
In support of PEO-C4I PMW-150, TQI experts assisted in developing program strategy and acquisition documents. TQI experts also collaborated with stakeholders to identify recommendations to the IT application certification and deployment process of defense business systems in support of NIWC Navy Tactical Command Support System (NTCSS).
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USFF provides operational & planning support to Unified Command Combatant commanders and articulates Fleet warfighting and readiness requirements to the Chief of Naval Operations. TQI has assisted USFF in the development of the Maritime Maintenance IT Working Group Charter, IT Strategic Plan and IT Roadmap under the Fleet Maintenance Board of Directors. As inputs to these, TQI coordinated stakeholder interviews and reviewed current USFF IT assets. TQI experts conducted Business Process Reengineering (BPR) on both the Navy Organizational Maintenance Environment (NOME) and the Navy Maritime Maintenance Enterprise Solution – Technical Refresh (NMMES-TR) acquisition programs. We have also provided support to the Maintenance Figure of Merit (MFOM) program through Application Site Certification & Assessment, Functional Management Support (i.e., requirements analysis, prioritization, management, and testing), Requirements Management Board (RMB) Operations, Portal Management, and Software Control Document (SCD) management for shipboard installations.
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NAVAIR provides full life-cycle support of naval aviation aircraft, weapons and systems for the Navy and USMC. TQI assists NAVAIR in the establishment and execution of the Aviation Logistics Environment program to improve Naval Aviation Readiness. TQI experts have supported NAVAIR Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) Functional Manager by providing oversight of requirements derivation and management, and ensuring traceability and design development efforts for the multiple aviation maintenance IT systems. We have also performed research, defined requirements, and assist in the development of applications under Marine Aviation Logistics – Enterprise Information Technology (MAL-EIT) which feeds into NALCOMIS. TQI also provides fielding, training and help desk support for these systems.
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